Ok folks! Here is the first recipe. I decided to post Grandma's recipe for Chewy Oatmeal Cookies. It has her name on it, so I think this is her personal recipe. Who doesn't like a chewy, warm oatmeal cookie on a soggy winter day?
Chewy Oatmeal Cookies
1 1/2 C Flour 1/2 tsp Soda
1 C Shortening 1/4 tsp. Baking Powder
2 C Brown Sugar 1/2 tsp. Salt
2 Eggs, beaten 2 tsp. Vanilla
3 C Oatmeal
375 degrees 8-10 min.
Roll in a ball & flatten.
Note: Grandma says "I bake mine in my Convection oven at 300 degrees."
That's all she wrote. I'm sure, like most cookie recipes you would cream the shortening with the sugar & add the eggs. Stir to combine. Most recipes then have you sift all dry ingredients together but I usually add my vanilla, soda, baking powder & salt to the sugar/shortening mixture & stir to combine. Then add flour & other dry ingredients and I've never had any negative result.
I know Dad (Gary Carbone) has always liked oatmeal cookies - I wonder if these are the ones he liked so well? The recipe for Oatmeal Cookies on the Quaker Oats container are generally not chewy enough for my taste so I'm looking forward to trying these. I think it's interesting that there is no cinnamon, raisins, etc. in this version. I'm planning on baking some later this week - I'll post the results! If anyone else tries them, please let us know what you think.
Until next time - Happy Cooking!